
There has been a rise in the amount of legacy stories posted on Insim, and this is another one to add to the list. It was partly these other stories that inspired me to start my own, and it was a song by a band called Blackmore's Night that gave me an idea for the founder to use.

More notes and a more in-depth explanation can be found in the preface, including the fact that this is meant as nothing more than a light break from a heavy story. With all that in mind, hope you enjoy this tale as much as the guys on Insim plainly are :)

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Chapter Four

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I got promoted! Thankfully they didn’t request that the “uniform” be returned; I realised very quickly that I would need something more comfortable to exercise in, and I can’t always go for a swim. Happily I also received a hefty bonus on top of an increased salary, which was much needed! I soon referred to my “emergency shopping list” as I was knowing it as; the next of the bare essentials that needed to be bought.

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Like a proper bed, which I was only too eager to try out after another restless night. It felt so good to snuggle under the covers with actual walls to block out most of the outside noise. I even slept through the shrieking of the seagulls.

Once I woke and showered, I was eager to find whatever treasures lie beneath my feet...

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...and soon made an addition to my shopping list: floors. I still reside for now in a box that merely shelters me from the worst of the elements. Another two items that got added with haste: windows and lights. Ariel will be alright in the dark, but I won’t be able to see a thing.

I discovered little though, sadly. A few rocks and bones – although the bones may come in handy to prevent any strays wrecking the furniture still outside. What I didn’t realise at first was, even rocks can earn a little cash. So much the better, I need every penny if I’m to live in a real house.

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I caught such a fright as a fountain erupted from the ground, and found myself darting for cover to avoid the fusing of my legs. Perhaps for now the lack of flooring is a good thing. Still, once the water has been absorbed by the ground, I will certainly remember to avoid digging inside in future.

It was time for Ariel to learn another trick, too. She caught on swiftly, as I had by now come to expect.

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Those rocks I found, plus my wages from work, gave me enough to finally purchase somewhere to rest that machine I was given when I first washed ashore. I also heard it was wise to invest in some security for my growing property, especially with that device now on display.

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I was never so glad to own a telephone, as Teddy decided to call. I did still feel a little odd hearing from him again, but we ended up in quite a lengthy conversation about all sorts of things. Any misgivings I had about him soon evaporated as we spoke, although I was still clueless about how to proceed. All I could do for now was continue as we had been, keeping our relationship platonic for now.

Ariel soon cottoned on to my new sleeping arrangements. I awoke the next day to find her staring expectantly up at me and crying, in that way she does when she wants attention.

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What else could one do with such a sight? She is an adorable little thing.

As much as I enjoy her company, however, some aspects of looking after a cat leave much to be desired.

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She seems to be learning new tricks so well. I wonder if it would be possible to toilet train a cat. There would be no more of this mucky business, that’s for certain.

I was fortunate to befriend one of the ladies who visited me on my first day – Raquel, her name is. The moment I mentioned Teddy, she grew very excited and began to ask me all sorts of questions. I had to urge her back to a steady pace as I explained my anxieties, and she was very understanding. I was so relieved to finally be able to talk with someone about these sorts of issues.

She suggested that I buy myself a mirror and “get into practice.” Since I had no clue whatsoever about romance, I was only too eager to accept – after probing further about exactly what kind of practice I was meant to partake in.

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The day after he first called me, he rung again – just as I was about to retire for the evening, as the day had taken it out of me somewhat. It may well have shown in my greeting, but it couldn’t be helped.

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I rose with the sun, completely refreshed after being so weary the previous night. In fact I was surprisingly alert, remembering that if I want to progress in the field of dance, I must eventually learn to do so.

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Better to look a fool now, than on the dance floor among throngs of humans.

The chill had caught me by surprise, as did these white flakes tumbling gracefully from above. The dancing did stave off the cold for a spell, but after a while of experimentally kicking at the sparkling blanket beneath my feet, the curiosity grew too much to bear. If one can build castles from the coastal sand, what can be done with this substance?

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As I sat down to breakfast however, a shudder rippled through my body as I realised that soon now, I needed to build a proper shelter. Winter, as they call it, is here, and to eat in the open air in this icy breeze will do me no good at all.

1 comment:

S@n said...

LOL! I'm glad Raquel is there to help!

hopefully after some practice in front of the mirror, she will be ready to go talk to Teddy! :D lol