
There has been a rise in the amount of legacy stories posted on Insim, and this is another one to add to the list. It was partly these other stories that inspired me to start my own, and it was a song by a band called Blackmore's Night that gave me an idea for the founder to use.

More notes and a more in-depth explanation can be found in the preface, including the fact that this is meant as nothing more than a light break from a heavy story. With all that in mind, hope you enjoy this tale as much as the guys on Insim plainly are :)

Thursday, 11 September 2008


I have been on this Earth longer than I care to tell you, spending the centuries singing upon the silvery rocks and luring seamen to a watery grave. While it proved entertaining for a long time, it eventually became lonely and dull. I grew tired of such an existence, starting to wonder what lay beyond the seemingly endless ocean. These mammals known as humans sparked my interest also; I watched their progress over the years, their ships becoming more streamlined and driven by different means as time went on. There was more going on in their minds than I gave them credit for, I could see that even then.

So it was one day that I decided to leave, not knowing what I would be letting myself in for but not caring. After bidding my farewells, I started to swim armed with nothing more than a waterproof case, containing clothes for dry land and a stash of this bartering substance these humans call money, which had been plundered from their wrecked ships. I swam for what seemed like days, hitching rides on passing dolphins where need be, and eventually stepped ashore on this rather empty piece of land.

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I didn’t travel alone, either. I found this little lady on a deserted rowing boat some time ago, and she has been my companion ever since. I named her Ariel, after a mermaid I understand is very well known to a lot of humans.

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It is fortunate that she is a strong swimmer, although of course I had to take a lot of breaks to let her rest. Eventually we stepped onto dry land for the first time, and I soon learnt that walking with a fish tail just wasn’t going to work. I needed to dry off and change if I was going to get about properly.

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What my seafaring friends neglected to tell me was that, once I began my new life on the surface, my powers would considerably weaken, all those talents I had nurtured throughout the ages would be lost and I would become mortal. Funny really, that the last part at least I’m not so bothered about, having already lived for hundreds of years. Although it all depends how long I have now I will be living as a human – will it be enough to build myself up again? More importantly, what shall I do with this time? So much to explore – where to start…?

1 comment:

S@n said...

Sounds intriguing indeed!!! :D

Lovely pictures as always!! :D